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Journal of Clinical Hepatology ; (12): 1759-1762, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-941532


In November 2018, the U.S. food and drug administration (FDA) issued guidance for the development of drugs for chronic hepatitis B virus infection (draft for comments) (hereinafter referred to as draft for comments), and in April 2022, the FDA issued Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection: Developing Drugs for Treatment, which has been updated with some details based on the Draft for Comments. This guidance further emphasizes the importance of HBsAg clearance in clinical trials, and classifies chronic suppressive therapy into two categories, namely noninferiority (NI) (or superiority) test with nucleos(t)ide analogues as control and add-on superiority trial with nucleos(t)ide analogues as control, and as for the latter, HBV DNA is no longer recommended as a primary endpoint of the trial, which poses a huge challenge to the development of innovative drugs targeting HBV DNA. The new finite duration therapy should aim to eliminate HBsAg and reduce virologic relapse and the risk of liver disease progression during treatment cessation. Reduction in HBsAg from baseline is not recommended as a primary endpoint for phase Ⅲ clinical trials, since the correlation between such reduction and clinical response remains unclear. In addition, this guidance also specifies the duration of treatment cessation and treatment consolidation period and the criteria for withdrawal of nucleos(t)ide analogues.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 46: e155, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450208


ABSTRACT Philip Morris International has used the July 7, 2020 United States Food and Drug Administration's (US FDA) modified risk tobacco product order for IQOS®, which authorized certain reduced exposure marketing claims, as a corporate strategy to promote and normalize its heated tobacco products in Latin America. The modified risk tobacco product orders are based on the US's unique regulatory system that is not, and should not be, replicated anywhere else in the world. Philip Morris International's global public relations campaign largely ignored the FDA's rejection of reduced risk claims for IQOS and other key FDA findings that are important for policy-makers, regulators, and consumers - including tobacco users and Philip Morris International's customers - to understand the risks associated with the product. In Latin America in particular, Philip Morris International has used media outlets to promote this misleading information to the public. This company has also used the FDA ruling to lobby regulators in Latin America to relax regulations on IQOS in the region. As tobacco companies rapidly introduce new tobacco products in low- and middle-income countries, public health advocates and Parties to the World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) should take measures to prevent the promotion of misleading statements about heated tobacco products, including IQOS. As Latin American countries are at different stages in their regulation of heated tobacco products, governments should adhere to their WHO FCTC obligations and the recommendations of the Conference of the Parties by entirely prohibiting the sale of heated tobacco products or strictly applying to heated tobacco products all the relevant tobacco demand-reduction policies based on the WHO FCTC (making sure to capture both heated cigarettes and heating devices).

RESUMEN Philip Morris International ha empleado el dictamen que la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA) de Estados Unidos emitió el 7 de julio del 2020 sobre IQOS como producto de tabaco de riesgo modificado —que la autorizó a usar ciertas declaraciones relativas a una exposición reducida al comercializar el producto— como estrategia corporativa para promover y normalizar sus productos de tabaco calentado en América Latina. Los dictámenes sobre productos de tabaco de riesgo modificado se fundamentan en el sistema regulatorio único de Estados Unidos, que no se replica ni debería ser replicado en ningún otro lugar del mundo. La campaña mundial de relaciones públicas de Philip Morris International omitió en gran medida que la FDA rechazó los argumentos de que IQOS implica un riesgo reducido y otros hallazgos clave de la FDA que son importantes para que los responsables de las políticas, los reguladores y los consumidores, incluidos los consumidores de tabaco y los clientes de Philip Morris International, comprendan los riesgos asociados con el producto. En América Latina en particular, Philip Morris International ha utilizado los medios de comunicación para difundir esta información engañosa. Esta compañía también ha utilizado el fallo de la FDA para presionar a los reguladores en América Latina con el objetivo de que flexibilicen las regulaciones sobre IQOS en la Región. A medida que las compañías tabacaleras introducen con celeridad nuevos productos de tabaco en países de ingresos bajos y medianos, los defensores de la salud pública y los Estados Parte del Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (CMCT de la OMS) deben tomar medidas para evitar la difusión de declaraciones engañosas sobre los productos de tabaco calentado, como IQOS. Dado que los países latinoamericanos se encuentran en diferentes etapas en la regulación de los productos de tabaco calentado, los gobiernos deben cumplir con sus obligaciones estipuladas en el CMCT de la OMS y las recomendaciones de la Conferencia de las Partes mediante la prohibición total de la venta de productos de tabaco calentado o la aplicación estricta a los productos de tabaco calentado de todas las políticas pertinentes sobre la reducción de la demanda de tabaco basadas en el CMCT de la OMS (y asegurarse de abarcar tanto los cigarrillos calentados como los dispositivos de calentamiento).

RESUMO A Philip Morris International utilizou a decisão de 7 de julho de 2020 da Administração de Alimentos e Fármacos dos Estados Unidos (United States Food and Drug Administration, FDA), que caracterizou o IQOS como produto de tabaco com risco modificado e que permitiu o uso de determinadas alegações de exposição reduzida no marketing do produto, como estratégia corporativa para promover e normalizar seus produtos de tabaco aquecido na América Latina. As decisões relativas aos produtos de tabaco com risco modificado se baseiam no singular sistema regulatório dos EUA, que não é e não deve ser reproduzido em nenhum outro lugar do mundo. A campanha global de relações públicas da Philip Morris International ignorou em grande parte a rejeição da FDA às afirmações de risco reduzido do IQOS e outros achados fundamentais da FDA, que são informações importantes para formuladores de políticas, órgãos regulamentadores e consumidores - incluindo usuários de tabaco e clientes da Philip Morris International - entenderem os riscos associados ao produto. A Philip Morris International tem usado a mídia para veicular essa informação enganosa ao público, principalmente na América Latina. A empresa também usou a decisão da FDA para pressionar órgãos regulamentadores na América Latina a flexibilizarem a regulamentação do IQOS na região. Conforme as empresas de tabaco introduzem rapidamente novos produtos em países de baixa e média renda, os ativistas de saúde pública e as Partes da Convenção-Quadro para Controle do Tabaco (CQCT) da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) devem tomar providências para prevenir a promoção de alegações enganosas sobre produtos de tabaco aquecido, incluindo o IQOS. Como os países da América Latina estão em diferentes estágios da regulamentação de produtos de tabaco aquecido, os governos devem cumprir suas obrigações com a CQCT da OMS e seguir as recomendações da Conferência das Partes, proibindo totalmente a venda de produtos de tabaco aquecido ou aplicando rigorosamente aos produtos de tabaco aquecido todas as políticas relevantes de redução da demanda por tabaco, com base na CQCT da OMS (certificando-se de abranger tanto os cigarros aquecidos quanto os dispositivos de aquecimento).

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 45: e10, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1252027


ABSTRACT Objective. To describe the current status of regulatory reliance in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) by assessing the countries' regulatory frameworks to approve new medicines, and to ascertain, for each country, which foreign regulators are considered as trusted regulatory authorities to rely on. Methods. Websites from LAC regulators were searched to identify the official regulations to approve new drugs. Data collection was carried out in December 2019 and completed in June 2020 for the Caribbean countries. Two independent teams collected information regarding direct recognition or abbreviated processes to approve new drugs and the reference (trusted) regulators defined as such by the corresponding national legislation. Results. Regulatory documents regarding marketing authorization were found in 20 LAC regulators' websites, covering 34 countries. Seven countries do not accept reliance on foreign regulators. Thirteen regulatory authorities (Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and the unique Caribbean Regulatory System for 15 Caribbean States) explicitly accept relying on marketing authorizations issued by the European Medicines Agency, United States Food and Drug Administration, and Health Canada. Ten countries rely also on marketing authorizations from Australia, Japan, and Switzerland. Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico are reference authorities for eight LAC regulators. Conclusions. Regulatory reliance has become a common practice in the LAC region. Thirteen out of 20 regulators directly recognize or abbreviate the marketing authorization process in case of earlier approval by a regulator from another jurisdiction. The regulators most relied upon are the European Medicines Agency, United States Food and Drug Administration, and Health Canada.

RESUMEN Objetivo. Describir el estado actual de la utilización de las decisiones de autoridades regulatorias de otras jurisdicciones en América Latina y el Caribe mediante la evaluación de los marcos regulatorios nacionales para la aprobación de nuevos medicamentos y establecer los organismos regulatorios extranjeros que se consideran autoridades regulatorias confiables para cada país. Métodos. Se realizaron búsquedas en los sitios web de las autoridades regulatorias de América Latina y el Caribe para identificar las regulaciones oficiales para la aprobación de nuevos medicamentos. La recopilación de datos se llevó a cabo en diciembre del 2019 y se completó en junio del 2020 para los países del Caribe. Dos equipos independientes recopilaron información sobre el reconocimiento directo o los procedimientos abreviados para la aprobación de nuevos medicamentos y los autoridades regulatorias de referencia (confiables) así definidos en la legislación nacional correspondiente. Resultados. Se encontraron documentos regulatorios sobre la aprobación de nuevos productos en los sitios web de veinte organismos regulatorios de América Latina y el Caribe, que abarcaban 34 países. Siete países no aceptan la utilización de decisiones de autoridades regulatorias extranjeras. Trece autoridades regulatorias (Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, México, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, República Dominicana, Uruguay y el sistema regulador único para quince Estados del Caribe) aceptan de manera explícita confiar las decisiones para aprobación de nuevos medicamentos emitidas por la Agencia Europea de Medicamentos, la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de Estados Unidos y Salud Canadá. Diez países aceptan también utilizar las autorizaciones para la comercialización de Australia, Japón y Suiza. Argentina, Brasil, Chile y México son autoridades de referencia para ocho autoridades regulatorias en la región. Conclusiones. La utilización de las decisiones de autoridades regulatorias de otras jurisdicciones se han convertido en una práctica común en América Latina y el Caribe. Trece de veinte autoridades regulatorias reconocen directamente o abrevian el proceso de aprobación de nuevos medicamentos en caso de que hayan recibido previamente la aprobación por parte de un organismo regulatorio de otra jurisdicción. La Agencia Europea de Medicamentos, la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de Estados Unidos y Salud Canadá son las autoridades regulatorias de otras jurisdicciones en las cuales los reguladores de América Latina y el Caribe confían más.

RESUMO Objetivo. Descrever a prática atual de uso de decisões regulatórias de outras jurisdições na América Latina e no Caribe (ALC) mediante avaliação os marcos regulatórios dos países para aprovação de novos medicamentos e verificar, para cada país, quais entidades reguladoras estrangeiras são consideradas autoridades reguladoras de confiança por cada país. Métodos. Foi realizada uma pesquisa nos sites das autoridades reguladoras da ALC para identificar as regulamentações oficiais para aprovação de novos medicamentos. A coleta de dados foi feita em dezembro de 2019 e concluída em junho de 2020 para os países do Caribe. Dois grupos independentes coletaram informações sobre o reconhecimento direto ou o procedimento abreviado para aprovação de novos medicamentos e as autoridades reguladoras de referência (de confiança) definidas como tal pela respectiva legislação nacional. Resultados. Documentos regulatórios relacionados à aprovação de novos produtos foram obtidos de 20 sites de órgãos reguladores da ALC, abrangendo 34 países. Sete países não admitem o uso de decisões regulatórias de entidades reguladoras externas. Treze autoridades reguladoras (na Argentina, Colômbia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Equador, Guatemala, México, Panamá, Paraguai, Peru, República Dominicana, Uruguai e o Sistema Regulador do Caribe unificado para 15 Estados caribenhos) admitem explicitamente a admissibilidade de decisões regulatórias para aprovação de novos medicamentos de outras jurisdições, quais sejam: Agência Europeia de Medicamentos (EMA), Agência Reguladora de Alimentos e Medicamentos (FDA) dos EUA e Health Canada. Dez países também aceitam decisões para autorização de comercialização da Austrália, Japão e Suíça. Argentina, Brasil, Chile e México são autoridades de referência para oito agências reguladoras. Conclusões. O uso de decisões regulatórias de outras jurisdições tornou-se prática comum na América Latina e Caribe. Treze das 20 agências reguladoras reconhecem diretamente ou abreviam o procedimento de aprovação de novos medicamentos no caso de tal aprovação já haver sido concedida por uma autoridade reguladora de outra jurisdição. A EMA, a FDA e a Health Canada são as autoridades estrangeiras nas quais as agências reguladoras da América Latina e Caribe mais confiam.

Drug Approval/legislation & jurisprudence , Government Regulation , Cross-Sectional Studies , Caribbean Region , Latin America
Chinese Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging ; (6): 49-52, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-734445


Preclinical evaluation is related to the clinical safety of radiopharmaceuticals.There are different research foci on preclinical evaluation of different radiopharmaceuticals.This article summarizes the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) preclinical evaluation guidelines of diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals,in order to provide reference for domestic research and preclinical evaluation of radiopharmaceuticals.

Chinese Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging ; (6): 810-812, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-708956


Radiopharmaceuticals have been widely used in the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of diseases, and they play an important role in new drug development. Food and Drug Administration(FDA) has rich experience in the administration of radiopharmaceuticals. This article mainly interprets the regulato-ry policy of FDA for radiopharmaceuticals from the aspects of definition, regulations and registration, trying to provide reference for domestic research of radiopharmaceuticals.

Arch. Clin. Psychiatry (Impr.) ; 43(3): 60-66, May.-June 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-789530


ABSTRACT Background The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned about the increased suicidality risk associated with the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and venlafaxine in children and adolescents. Objectives To critically appraise the available evidence supporting the FDA Black box warning concerning to the use of antidepressants in child and adolescents. Methods A critical review of articles in Medline/PubMed and SciELO databases regarding the FDA Black box warning for antidepressants, and the impact of FDA warnings on antidepressant prescriptions and suicide rates. Results The warning was based on surveys that did not report either cases of suicide nor a significant difference supporting an increased suicidality rate. The concept was defined in an ambiguous way and there is currently more available evidence to support such definition. The use of SSRI and venlafaxine has been associated to lower suicidality rates, but the prescription fall due to the warning increased suicide rates. Discussion Suicidality is an inherent feature of depressive disorders so it would be desirable to consider how much of the phenomenon may be attributed to antidepressants per se. It would be appropriate to consider that suicide rates might increase also as a consequence of the warning.

International Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine ; (6): 487-491, 2016.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-489943


Oregon sued a certain American well-known supplements’agency contained illegal ingredients on Oct.22, 2015. The event presented that FDA showed the problem of the management issues on the supplement ingredients. This event also triggered the discussions about the role of supervisation and law enforcement of FDA and State government. This paper aimed to systematically analyze the related problems in such issue and tried to offer suggestion of food regulation and ingredient management to the researchers and administrators in China.

Journal of Korean Diabetes ; : 58-62, 2013.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-726729


There have been many advances in obesity treatment, including life-style modification and pharmacological and surgical treatments. It seems that the most remarkable advances in obesity treatment are those of pharmacological strategies. However, weight loss medications have a long history of development. The FDA has withdrawn anti-obesity drugs such as fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine, and phenylpropylamine due to unwanted side effects. Sibutramine was voluntarily withdrawn from the market, and new drugs such as rimonabant have been suspended in the middle of clinical study due to unacceptable side effects. Last year, the FDA approved two new anti-obesity drugs for the treatment of obesity. Lorcaserin is a selective 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2c (5-HT2c) agonist whose pharmacological mechanism of action is similar to those of fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine. However, lorcaserin is specific for 5-HT2c, which is located almost exclusively in the CNS and is not found on heart valves. Three exciting phase 3 clinical trials for lorcaserin have been published recently. Lorcaserin has been shown to successfully result in weight reduction, and the drug was not found to lead to heart disease, as is the case with some other such drugs. Furthermore, the FDA also approved controlled release phentermine/topiramate (PHEN/TPM CR), a drug composed of immediate-release phentermine and controlled-release topiramate. Weight reduction by PHEN/TPM CR is better than any other anti-obesity drugs in the world. Along with this excellent efficacy, however, come painful side effects that clinicians should consider.

Anti-Obesity Agents , Benzazepines , Cyclobutanes , Dexfenfluramine , Fenfluramine , Fructose , Heart Diseases , Heart Valves , Obesity , Phentermine , Piperidines , Pyrazoles , Serotonin , United States Food and Drug Administration , Weight Loss